Our services.

  • Garden Maintenance Programs.

    Bi-weekly and weekly maintenance programs offer you the chance to sit back and enjoy your gardens while we do all the heavy lifting! Maintenance programs include seasonally appropriate pruning, trimming, hedging, edging, fertilizing and weeding.

  • Container Planting.

    Whether it’s an elegant addition to your front porch or a fun and funky tropical around the pool, we love container planting! Adding seasonally changing container plantings is a great way to add a fresh new look that is uniquely yours in all 4 seasons. Consider adding an herb planter to your patio, it not only looks great but you also have the benefit of fresh herbs to use in your kitchen! Talk to Jen and see what she can create for you!

  • Soil Amendments and Mulching.

    Amending your soil is as important as fertilizing your plants! It’s something that is often overlooked in favour of just adding mulch. While mulching a garden will help with moisture retention and weed suppression, we need to remember to take care of the soil underneath as well. Over time the nutrients in your garden soil are depleted and taking the time to add in some composted soil can go a long way towards a healthier garden.

  • Curb Appeal.

    Are you thinking of moving? Having a special event at your home? Consider adding some sparkle to your gardens with our curb appeal service. We can add in some bright annuals, tighten up your edging and give it a polished finish with some fresh mulch. Talk to us and see what we suggest to give your gardens a quick facelift!

  • Annual + Perennial Bulb Planting.

    A great way to incorporate a splash of colour and fun to your gardens! By adding cheerful daffodils that come up in the spring, a trailing petunia to your raised garden or even a beautiful new hydrangea to give you blooms all summer long, the options are endless and we are happy to help you find the perfect plant for your gardens!